Ulster Unionist Party no longer crucial to Stormont’s operation

There was a time when big meetings of the Ulster Unionist Party were political box office, with good reason.
David Trimble versus Jeffrey Donaldson – at stake the future of power sharing at Stormont and possibly peace as well.
Back then the party walking out of the Stormont executive brought the whole edifice down.
Not anymore.
On Thursday, we were poised for another Ulster Unionist walk out after its only minister, Robin Swann, voted against the Northern Ireland Executive budget.
That didn’t happen.
Though it was a big story, some perspective is needed.
If he had walked out, the DUP would have taken the health post and things would have continued, albeit without the Ulster Unionists.
Why is the Ulster Unionist Party divided?
This weekend the party holds its annual general meeting in County Tyrone.
It’s not even hiding the fact it remains deeply divided over whether to remain in the executive or not.
But journalists will not be camped outside because the future of the political process no longer depends on this once-great party.
On Thursday, its seventh leader in under twenty years angrily denied the party is “irrelevant”.
But while that word is probably too strong, you can see why it was used.
Doug Beattie was flanked by his outgoing health minister Robin Swann and Mike Nesbitt, Mr Swann’s likely replacement.
That in itself is telling less than three months into the new Stormont term.
They had a defiant message for the other three executive parties.
Increase the ÂŁ7.7bn allocation for health or the party will vote against the budget when it goes before the Northern Ireland Assembly.
But that too will have little impact as Sinn FĂ©in, DUP and Alliance have the numbers to carry it through.
Will the Ulster Unionists go into opposition?
At some point we will reach the moment of truth for Robin Swann and his party.
If the budget allocation remains the same will they pull out of the executive.
That scenario is likely to be discussed at the AGM this weekend.
There are some, including leader Doug Beattie, who would gladly quit the executive and sit on the opposition benches.
But one man who is likely to oppose such a move is the party’s likely next health minister Mike Nesbitt.
“Leaving health in the hands of the DUP is not something we should contemplate,” said one senior party source.
The party could also stop short of walking away and simply refuse to stick to the budget allocation.
A more likely outcome is Robin Swann could eventually be won over with the promise of extra money through the in-year monitoring rounds when unspent funds are reallocated.
But the political scars from this weeks executive meeting may take some time to heal.
Sinn FĂ©in-DUP frustration evident
The Swann solo run as the executive faced its first big hurdle triggered a backlash. Even before the meeting ended the texts to the waiting media started to flow.
All targeted the health minister, who they claimed had voted against the ÂŁ25m childcare package and the much needed investment for Lough Neagh.
So the questions were ready for the first and deputy first ministers in the follow-up press conference.
They couldn’t hide their frustration.
Nor could you mistake the political undertones from the DUP’s deputy first minister.
Maybe that’s because Robin Swann is not just the health minister but also the general election candidate hoping to unseat the DUP’s MP in South Antrim.
With a campaign to fight it is also a good time for Robin Swann to be battling for the health service. But when asked if his opposition to the budget was aimed at winning votes in South Antrim he quickly snapped back, rejecting any such link.
Though he is effectively working out his notice as health minister, Robin Swann is not going quietly.
Published1 day ago
Published5 days ago