The pre-order menu of Black Ops 6 has reportedly been leaked. A recent video shared by a trusted scooper shows the new UI on the CoD HQ app. Just some days ago, the game’s pre-order details surfaced online, revealing an expected price for platforms like PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and even last-gen consoles such as PS4 and Xbox One.
This article will dive a little deeper into the recently leaked pre-order menu of Black Ops 6.
Note: Players are advised to take early leaks, rumors, and speculations with a grain of salt unless there’s an official confirmation from developers.
Black Ops 6 leaked pre-order menu suggests a big reveal might be on its way on June 3
Reliable scooper @realityuk_ on X recently posted a brief clip of a leaked screen recording of the CoD HQ launcher app, which shows the Black Ops 6 pre-order menu.
Two pre-purchase options can be seen in the clip: Black Ops 6 Vault Edition and Standard Edition. Both options won’t work right now since they are yet to go live officially.
In a separate post, @realituk_mentioned that Call of Duty’s team might announce a major update on Monday, June 3, 2024, concerning the pre-order details.
Getting an option to pre-order the game before its official reveal in Xbox Showcase seems unlikely. However, nothing can be confirmed right now and it will be interesting to see if any news gets shared by Activision on Monday.
BO6 might take up to 200 GB to install on certain devices
Another insider had recently suggested that Treyarch’s game on devices like PS5 may consume up to 200 GB of size just for playing its Campaign. The account named @PlayStationSize had mentioned in a post on X that due to CoD HQ app files, the overall size of the game may increase exponentially.
However, fans should take all the speculations with a grain of salt for now.
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