The discussion of where WoW takes place – what plane of existence – is an interesting topic. Technically, the plane the game takes place on is a multiple-choice answer. While the game takes place on one planet specifically, players often visit alternate timelines, realities, and other planes of existence. However, it’s not likely a place you will find in our own solar system; at least, that’s not something Blizzard has discussed.
Herein, we’ll discuss exactly what the plane of existence WoW takes place on, and some other places players go, in their journeys in the World of Warcraft MMO. While the exact plane doesn’t have a name, we do have some information.
What plane of existence does WoW primarily take place on?

The technical plane itself doesn’t have a name, but the universe does. The majority of WoW takes place on Azeroth, though there are other planes of existence you visit. Azeroth is a bright blue planet, visually similar to Earth. It exists in a vast cosmos known as the Great Dark Beyond, or Great Dark, or even Great Beyond. This is the name for the universe itself.
The vast majority of the story of WoW takes place in the Great Dark Beyond as a plane, particularly on Azeroth. Most of the expansions are held within the confines of this planet, but not in all cases. In Burning Crusade, players go to Outland, which is the shattered remnants of the planet of Draenor, which was the home of both Orcs, Ogres, and the planet the Draenei fled to after leaving Argus.
Shadowlands takes place almost entirely on another plane of existence – The Shadowlands. This is the realm of Death and features an infinite number of afterlives. Players explored the primary realms of Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth, and The Maw.

A portion of Dragonflight also took place on another plane of existence in WoW, the Emerald Dream. This is an ever-changing spirit world that exists outside the boundaries of physical reality. It is said to represent what Azeroth would look like if intelligent beings never inhabited it.
WoW also has a wide assortment of pocket universes/dimensions, used by incredibly powerful magic beings. Malfurion Stormrage has used one, The Caverns of Time are considered a time pocket, and Dalaran’s wizards once used one to hide Ambermill from the Forsaken.
There are countless stars and planets in the universe of WoW and a wide assortment of planes of existence. In addition to the Great Dark Beyond, there’s the Twisting Nether, which is the astral plane that exists between worlds. Players have gone to the Twisting Nether a few times in WoW. One example is the Burning Crusade expansion, which has a zone of the same name.

The planet Argus, which is a locale players go to in the Legion expansion is located in the Twisted Nether. In addition, part of the Kil’jaeden boss fight during the Tomb of Sargeras is on his personal starship, in the Twisted Nether. There are quite a few other planes of existence in WoW, but less is known about them. Below, I’ll highlight a few other known places that are worth mentioning:
- There are a variety of Elemental Planes, with some connected to Azeroth, such as through the Firelands.
- Ny’alotha is an alternate version of Azeroth, dominated by the Old Gods – it’s separated from us by a very thin veil.
- Helheim is the realm of Helya, and the spirits of dishonorable Vrykul battle here for all eternity, seeking glory but never finding it. This is considered by some to be a pocket dimension.
- Throes, the Blighted Land is a realm where the Drust reside, and is a death realm. It’s said to have a connection to both the Shadowlands, and the Emerald Nightmare.
While WoW primarily takes place on Azeroth and will continue to do so in The War Within, as players go deep underground, there are always going to be other planets and planes of existence players will explore in the vast World of Warcraft.