Trainers can get Shiny Sudowoodo in Pokemon GO by beating 3-star raids, catching it in the wild, evolving Shiny Bonsly into one, and more. A few more methods can also help find and capture this elusive creature. You should remember encountering a Shiny Pokemon is more challenging than a non-shiny one, which is where strategies are used for getting them.
Shiny Sudowoodo rate of appearance in the low than its counter variant. This article will dive into how you can spot and obtain it in the game.
All available methods to get Shiny Sudowoodo in Pokemon GO

Shiny Sudowoodo in Pokemon GO is a solo Rock-type Pokemon that appears as a log but its type isn’t Grass. Below are all known ways to get this Pocket Monster:
- Catch in the wild
- Hatch eggs
- Win Raid Battles
- Finish Research tasks
- Rescue Shadow Shiny Sudowoodo from Grunts for purification
- Evolve a Shiny Bonsly
- Trade
1) Catch in the wild
Niantic has featured Shiny Sudowoodo in events as a wild Pocket Monster multiple times over the years. Outside of the events, you can visit areas with Partly Cloudy weather to find it since this is its natural habitat. Additionally, if you activate the Lure Modules and Incense, items that boost wild spawns, you may come across Shiny Sudowoodo in Pokemon GO.
2) Hatch eggs
In comparison, encountering a Shiny Sudowoodo in the overworld is slightly easier than doing so by popping Pokemon eggs. But, by no means this variant is easy to come by in the game. To date, the developer has only featured Sudowoodo in Pokemon Eggs twice.
3) Win Raid Battles

The Shared Skies season of Pokemon GO is bringing numerous Pocket Monsters back for different tiers of Raid Battles. In 3-star raids, Sudowoodo and Shiny Sudowoodo have gotten a feature. That said, by exploiting the boss’s weaknesses, you can beat it and earn encounters with either the regular version or the Shiny Sudowoodo in Pokemon GO.
These counters are for Sudowoodo raids:
- Primal Groudon: Mud Shot and Precipice Blades
- Shadow Metagross: Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
- Mega Swampert: Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon
- Kartana: Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Terrakion: Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Shadow Empoleon: Steel Wing and Hydro Cannon
4) Finish Research tasks
Various rewards are granted to trainers who complete Research quests, where rewards include encounters with a Pokemon too. Thus, you might also find Shiny Sudowoodo when particular Field Research or Special/Timed Research tasks are completed.
5) Rescue Shadow Shiny Sudowoodo from Grunts for purification
The Purification process of Shadow Pokemon helps you remove their corruption, transforming them into the regular versions. Team GO Grunts are sometimes seen fighting with Shadow Sudowoodo. So, If you’re lucky, you may get an encounter with its Shiny Sudowoodo in Pokemon GO.
6) Evolve a Shiny Bonsly
Your Shiny Bonsly can naturally evolve into Shiny Sudowoodo when the formed is walked for 15 KM as a Buddy Pokemon and is fed 50 Candies.
7) Trade
Ask your Pokemon GO friends if they have a spare Shiny Sudowoodo to share. If they have, you can obtain this monster with the trade process. Nevertheless, trading is only possible when you are within a radius of 100 meters.
Edited by Srijan Sen