Worker’s engagement ring found in customer’s shopping bag

A bride-to-be thought she’s lost her engagement ring while manning the tills at work – only to have it returned days later by a customer who found it at the bottom of their shopping bag.
Morganne Moreno, 28, said having the ring returned by the customer at her farm shop has “restored her faith in humanity”.
Forage Farm Shop and Kitchen put out a plea on Facebook after the ring went missing from her finger on Saturday – and two days and 1,700 shares later Morganne was given the good news it had been found.
“We’ve been super, super lucky,” said Morganne, from Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan.
Morganne and her partner Josh got engaged on 23 March, but have not yet set a date for their wedding.
She said her “heart went to my stomach” when she first noticed the ring not on her hand.
“Every thought went through my mind, but somehow I just knew it had gone into a customer’s bag,” she said.
After asking her colleague Sarah if she could post an appeal on the shop’s Facebook page, Morganne “went through the shop with a fine tooth comb”.

“No place in that shop was unturned by me” she added.
“I think I must have done that a million times over the weekend, back and forth, back and forth.
“To be honest, I didn’t think I would get it back.”
Morganne was “just about to get into bed” on Monday when she had a message from Sarah telling her the good news.
“We went to collect the ring on Tuesday as a woman had messaged Sarah to say she had found it in her bag,” she added.
She said everyone has been “super invested” in the ring reunion.
“I’m so relieved. I really went through all of the motions and then to hear the end result, I was obviously just so relieved.
“This whole experience, it just really has restored my faith in humanity. It makes you realise there are really good people out there that want to help.”